NOPP Progress Report (January 12, 2001)
ZooGene, a DNA sequence database for calanoid copepods and euphausiids:
an OBIS tool for uniform standards of species identification
Ann Bucklin, University of New Hampshire Durham, NH
Bruce W. Frost, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Peter H. Wiebe, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA
Michael J. Fogarty, NOAA/NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA
Funded under the auspices of the
National Ocean Partnership Program and the Census of Marine Life
by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. OCE-0003884)
Project web site:
Project Summary
An international partnership has been established to develop a
zooplankton genomic (ZooGene) database of DNA type sequences for
calanoid copepods and euphausiids. The ZooGene partnership includes
four principal investigators and thirteen expert taxonomic
consultants from seven countries. Zooplankton samples are being
sorted from existing archival collections, obtained in coordination
with planned oceanographic research efforts, and collected during
National Marine Fisheries Service field surveys. The taxonomic
experts are confirming species' identifications; DNA sequencing is
being done at the University of New Hampshire and, in some cases, in
other partners' laboratories. For each species, a DNA type sequence
is being determined for a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome
oxidase I (mtCOI) gene; multiple mtCOI sequences will be included as
necessary to reflect intraspecific variation. The ZooGene database
is being designed, created, managed, maintained, and distributed as
part of the proposed work; the data will be integrated into the
Ocean Biogeographical Information System (OBIS). Operational and
research uses the ZooGene database include: 1) uniform standards of
species' identification, 2) evaluation of the taxonomic significance
of geographic variation within widespread species, 3) identification
of cryptic species, 4) accurate estimation of species' diversity, 5)
determination of evolutionary relationships among species, and 6)
design of rapid molecularly-based species' identification protocols.
Education and outreach efforts include: training of graduate
students at UNH and UW; a hands- on Molecular Systematics Workshop
at UNH during Summer, 2002; exchanges between the P.I.s,
international partners, and their colleagues and students; inclusion
of ZooGene molecular and environmental data in the OBIS database,
and others; creation and maintenance of a project web site;
production of a CD with the ZooGene database and simple search
tools; and development of a ZooGene curriculum module for high
school students by the NH Sea Grant Marine Docents.
Objectives of the ZooGene Partnership
- establishment of a nexus of taxonomic experts for calanoid
copepods and euphausiids, with focused effort on selected genera and
- creation of mtCOI type sequences for 200 species of calanoid
copepods and 86 species of euphausiids, based on verified
identification of species by taxonomic authorities
- design, creation, management of the ZooGene database, a
searchable web-based database integrated with the GenBank DNA
sequence database and OBIS, as a tool for uniform species
- design and implementation of a ZooGene curriculum
module for high school students
Work Completed
New ZooGene collections: ZooGene partners have collected and
shipped to UNH comprehensive sets of samples for molecular analysis.
Samples are in hand for the copepod genera: Paracalanus and
Tortanus, collected and identified by Susumu Ohtsuka (Hiroshima
University, Japan); Acartia, collected and identified by David
McKinnon (Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australia), with
additional collections planned by Janet Bradford-Grieve (National
Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand), and
Pseudocalanus, collected and identified by Bruce Frost (University
of Washington, USA) and Fredrica Norrbin (Tromso University,
Norway). Euphausiid samples are in hand from Shozo Sawamoto (Tokai
University, Japan) and Jaime Frber Lorda (Centro de Investigacin
Cientifica y de Educacin Superior, Mexico). Detailed planning is
underway for ZooGene collections in association with Ecosystem
Monitoring Surveys by the NOAA/NMFS NE Fisheries Science Center to
assess spatial and temporal variation in gene frequencies in
selected taxa.
DNA sequences of calanoid copepods: We have determined mtCOI type
sequences for 34 species of six calanoid genera. These sequences
have been submitted to GenBank and are the subject of two
publications: Hill et al. (2001) and Bucklin et al. (in
preparation). MtCOI sequences have proved to be diagnostic
molecular systematic characters. In addition, the sequences are
likely to resolve large-scale population genetic structure, racial
and other subspecific differentiation, and cryptic species, based on
preliminary analysis of three geographic populations of Calanus
helgolandicus and two subspecies of C. pacificus (Hill et al.,
2001; Bucklin et al., in preparation). MtCOI sequence variation
resolved evolutionary relationships among most species, although the
most distantly-related species were not well resolved.
DNA sequences of euphausiids: Determination of the mtCOI type
sequences is complete for 14 species in eight genera of euphausiids.
A manuscript summarizing this work has been accepted with revision
for publication in the Journal of Marine Research. The sequences
will be submitted to GenBank in the near future. MtCOI is a
diagnostic molecular systematic character for euphausiid
identification, and also resolves evolutionary relationships among
congeneric species with statistical significance.
These preliminary studies have confirmed that species of calanoid
copepods and euphausiids - whether sibling species or species of
different families - are readily distinguishable based on mtCOI
sequence variation, which is thus a valid systematic character.
Further, the levels and patterns of sequence variation are suitable
for the design of rapid molecularly-based species' identification
protocols, such as competitive species-specific PCR, which requires
identification of unique and diagnostic sequence regions for each
species (see Bucklin et al., 1997a, 1998a, 2000a).
Education and outreach: There are several types of education and
outreach activities planned and underway for ZooGene:
- Preliminary efforts are underway to organize a comprehensive
systematic and molecular systematic workshop for calanoid copepods
and euphausiids - now targeted for August, 2002. The workshop is
being integrated into efforts to address critical needs for
taxonomic expertise in diverse marine taxa.
- At the University of Washington, a graduate student has begun
studies toward the Masters' degree. Her planned research will focus
on one aspect of ZooGene.
- A ZooGene molecular kit and curriculum module are being
designed and implemented for use in New Hampshire high schools; an
informative brochure for teachers has been produced. A NH Sea Grant
Marine Docent is taking the lead in this effort, scheduled for
introduction to the schools in Fall, 2001.
- A project web site,, has been
established. The web site provides general information on the
partnership, as well as technical information to guide colleagues in
collecting and preserving zooplankton for molecular analysis. We
are exploring approaches to integrating the planned ZooGene database
with the comprehensive molecular database, GenBank.
Publications resulting from this award to date:
Hill, R.S., L.D. Allen, and A. Bucklin (2001) Multiplexed
species-specific PCR protocol to discriminate four N. Atlantic
Calanus species, with a mtCOI gene tree for ten Calanus species.
Marine Biology (in press)
Bucklin, A., S.B. Smolenack, J.J. Pierson, and P.H. Wiebe (2001)
Population genetic diversity and structure of the euphausiid,
Stylocheiron elongatum, in the Gulf Stream, with a molecular
phylogeny of six Stylocheiron species. Journal of Marine Research
(in revision)
Bucklin, A., L.D. Allen, B.M. Seppa, B.W. Frost, and J. Bradford
Grieve (in preparation) Molecular systematic assessment of
twenty-four calanoid copepod species of the Calanidae and
Clausocalanidae using DNA sequences of mtCOI and nuclear 18S rRNA.