ZooGene, a DNA sequence database for calanoid copepods and euphausiids:

an OBIS tool for uniform standards of species identification

Lead P.I.: Ann Bucklin (University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH)


An international partnership will create a zooplankton genomic (ZooGene) database of DNA type sequences for calanoid copepods and euphausiids. The ZooGene database will be designed to include all species of these groups and to allow expansion to additional zooplankton groups. The ZooGene partnership includes four P.I.s and thirteen expert taxonomic consultants from seven countries. Zooplankton samples will be sorted from existing archival collections, obtained in coordination with planned oceanographic research efforts, and collected during National Marine Fisheries Service field surveys. The taxonomic experts will confirm species' identifications; DNA sequencing will be done at the University of New Hampshire and, in some cases, in other partners' laboratories. For each species, a DNA type sequence will be determined for a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene; multiple mtCOI sequences will be included as necessary to reflect intraspecific variation. The ZooGene database will be designed, created, managed, maintained, and distributed as part of the proposed work; the data will be integrated into the Ocean Biogeographical Information System (OBIS). Uses for and research applications of the ZooGene database include: 1) uniform standards of species' identification, 2) evaluation of the taxonomic significance of geographic variation within widespread species, 3) identification of cryptic species, 4) accurate estimation of species' diversity, 5) determination of evolutionary relationships among species, and 6) design of rapid molecularly-based species' identification protocols. Education and outreach efforts will include: training of graduate students at UNH and UW; a hands-on Molecular Systematics Workshop at UNH during Summer, 2001; exchanges between the P.I.s, international partners, and their colleagues and students; inclusion of ZooGen molecular and environmental data in the OBIS database, among others; creation and maintenance of a project web site; production of a CD with the ZooGene database and simple search tools; and informal education with the assistance of UNH Sea Grant.

ZooGene Partners:


Ann Bucklin (University of New Hampshire)

Project coordinator; molecular analyses; 2001 Workshop

Bruce W. Frost (University of Washington

Coordination of copepod collection; taxonomic analyses

Peter H. Wiebe (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Coordination of euphausiid collection; database and web site design


Michael J. Fogarty (Northeast Fisheries Science Center)

Coordination with NMFS; U.S. GLOBEC; sampling design for field surveys

International ZooGene Partners


Roxane Barthélémy (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

Laboratoire de Biologie Animale (Plancton), Universite de Provence,

Marseille, France

Jaime Färber Lorda (Expert taxonomic consultant for euphausiids)

Centro de Investigación Cientifica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada

Ensenada, México

Simon Jarman (Molecular analysis of euphausiids)

Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies, University of Tasmania

Hobart, Australia

Shuhei Nishida (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan

Paul Nival (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

Observatoire Oceanologique, Universite P. et M. Curie

Villefranche-sur-mer, France

Susumu Ohtsuka (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

Fisheries Laboratory, Hiroshima University

Hiroshima, Japan

Claude and Suzanne Razouls (Expert taxonomic consultants for calanoid copepods)

Observatoire Oceanologique de Banyuls, Universite P. et M. Curie

Banyuls-sur-mer, France

Shozo Sawamoto (Expert taxonomic consultant for euphausiids)

Institute of Oceanic Research and Development, Tokai University

Shizuoka, Japan

Knud Schulz (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

Senckenberg Research Institute, University of Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany

Hiroshi Ueda (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University

Ehime, Japan


Janet Bradford-Grieve (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Ltd.

Wellington, New Zealand

David McKinnon (Expert taxonomic consultant for calanoid copepods)

Australian Institute of Marine Science

Townsville, Australia